CincyJams 2024 Rocked!
CincyJams, presented by Accenture, came back for its biggest night ever on May 10! Eight employee bands competed in front of their coworkers, company leadership, family and more. Playing songs from rock to hip hop to polka (yes, polka!), the night was a success, both in attendance, with a likely total of over 400, and fundraising, raising $28,455 from 165 donors!

GE Aerospace's band Title 14, took home the Judges Pick as the top performing band at the competition, and SHP Architecture and Design took home both the People's Choice award for the loudest cheers, coming in at 110.8 db, and the Fan-Funded award for raising the most money for our region's arts with $6,031.
Big thanks go to our sponsors (below), our host Radio One’s R&B, Hip-Hop and “The People’s Champ” DJ Don Juan Fasho, our judges, Bridget England, Dean Kuroff and Jonathan Sears and to everyone who came out!
Participating companies included GE Aerospace, P&G, Jake Sweeney Automotive, Great American Insurance, altafiber and SHP Architecture and Design.