posted by Stefanie Lehmann ON
Apr 14, 2015
“Supporting the arts is like any habit, if you start it while you are young, it is hard to break.”
That statement is from Paul Tomich, who, along with Gwen Kirles, co-chairs the ArtsWave Young Professionals (YPs) committee. This advisory group is comprised of more than 40 committed young professionals, ages 21 to 40, looking to get more involved and invested in Cincinnati’s vibrant arts community.” I’ve actually been a supporter of ArtsWave since I moved to Cincinnati after graduating from Miami University in 2005,” said Ms. Kirles. “In 2012, I became even more involved through my employer’s workplace campaign efforts and was asked if I was interested in joining the committee soon after.”
ArtsWave invites YPs to discover all the amazing art that Cincinnati has to offer by connecting them to a variety of unique arts experiences, networking opportunities, and social events. Although Paul and Gwen’s weekdays are spent in the office, their free time is often spent with family and friends experiencing many of the exclusive offers and invitations available to them as ArtsWave YPs.
Becoming a YP Committee Member not only encouraged Gwen and Paul to meet new people and feel more connected to Cincinnati but it also profoundly impacted their professional and personal lives. “I first began discovering art that I really enjoy through ArtsWave’s BOARDway Bound program,” said Ms. Kirles. “I think there are many YPs looking for a way to become more engaged in their community, grow their professional and personal networks, and to give back, and volunteering allows them to do that.” Mr. Tomich added “Being a father of two, it has really motivated me to find as many opportunities as possible to expose my children to the arts.”
For those curious about becoming an arts-engaged YP, Gwen suggests they just do it. “The ArtsWave events make the arts feel more approachable by giving YPs the chance to experience them together. The events provide great introductions to local organizations and an opportunity to network, and they’re always fun!” She continued “It’s important for the YP community to become engaged in the arts now, as someday we will be the future leaders and supporters of the arts community.”
To become a member of ArtsWave’s Young Professionals program, individuals must check the YP box when making a pledge to the Campaign, or mention YP in the comments of their online pledge. To be eligible for the CincYPerks program, an expanded version of the ArtsWave ArtsPass that was developed in conjunction with C-Change Class 8, YPs can make a gift of $75 or more to the Campaign. There are other giving levels tailored to YPs, including the YP Leader level of $500 that provides additional networking and recognition opportunities.
For more information about ArtsWave Young Professionals, e-mail or visit our website.