posted by Hillary Copsey ON
Mar 08, 2016

The promise of a Star Wars ballet and Frozen sing-along brought 2,200 people to the Springer Auditorium of Cincinnati Music Hall for finale of the
30th Macy's Arts Sampleron Feb. 28.
The special collaborative "Be The Hero!" concert, featuring the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati Opera and Cincinnati May Festival Chorus, attracted the largest attendance ever at a Macy's Arts Sampler event, according to ArtsWave Engagement Director Rebecca Bromels. Many in the audience said the concert was their first arts performance when asked by Associate Conductor Keitaro Harada.
For three decades, ArtsWave has presented the Macy's Arts Sampler to make Cincinnati's amazing arts accessible to anyone and everyone in the region. This year, nearly 12,000 people attended events or activities at more than 30 venues during the Macy's Arts Sampler weekend. Thanks to Macy's and additional sponsors United Dairy Farmers and Dewey's Pizza, all of the events were free.
ArtsWave would like to thank the sponsors and all the arts organizations that made the weekend possible -- and all of you, who attended, for making and enjoying the arts and helping us create community through the arts. You are ArtsWave in Action!