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How the Arts Make An Impact
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CEO Reflections: P&G honored for supporting the arts
posted by Alecia Kintner ON
Oct 13, 2016
Each year, an organization started by David Rockefeller in 1966 recognizes 10 businesses in America that distinguish themselves for their support of the arts. The Business Committee on the Arts is now a program of Americans for the Arts, our national arts advocacy organization and one I work with regularly as chair of the Private Sector Network Council.
ArtsWave had the pleasure of attending the “BCA 10” awards ceremony in New York City last week and paying tribute to one of 2016’s honorees, Cincinnati’s own Procter & Gamble. Phil Duncan, P&G’s chief global design officer, was on hand to receive the award on behalf of the company. Community Relations Manager Barbara Hauser was also there, making a presentation on ArtsWave’s signature event, CincySings, to the BCA Executive Committee earlier in the day. CincySings has been documented by Americans for the Arts as a model employee engagement program, and its origins are in the choral competitions that started within P&G and Cincinnati Children’s for the ArtsWave Community Campaign a number of years ago.

The evening was made even more special because another prominent Cincinnatian, Edgar Smith, had the honor of presenting the award to P&G in front of the night’s distinguished guests. CEO of World Pac Paper LLC and a Life Trustee of ArtsWave, Edgar serves as the national Chair of the BCA Executive Committee and on the board of Americans for the Arts.
Please join ArtsWave in congratulating P&G, along with Johnson & Johnson, Northern Trust, Aetna, and others for their recognition as part of the 2016 “BCA 10” Awards!
And, share how your company shows support by taking the BCA Survey of Business Support for the Arts. It’s the largest survey of its kind in the country, done only every three years by Americans for the Arts and The Conference Board, and we want Cincinnati businesses to be heard and counted!