posted by Zach Moning ON
Nov 03, 2017

“Cheers to Warm Holiday Wishes” by Karen Lipman
M. Hopple & Co. created the CityArt Holiday Card Contest to support our local arts community and encourage artists. Every year, they make a call to artists to help design their annual holiday cards. Every year, they donate a portion of the proceeds to a local nonprofit. This year, to take their support for Cincinnati's arts to the next level, they chose ArtsWave.

“The Waltz of the Snowflakes Returns to Beautified Music Hall” by John Wilson
Back in July, we conveyed their call for artists to the community. The response was outstanding, and now the winners have been chosen and the cards are printed. Four beautifully conceived and executed holiday cards are now available. Each one highlights how beautiful our city is, how vibrant our arts scene is and how wonderfully it all comes together for the holidays.

“All Aboard!” by Becca Bedingfield
Not that you need any additional reasons to send these cards to your loved ones this year, but each of these designs comes with a built-in contribution to ArtsWave. As you send your season's greetings this year, you can also send support to 125+ arts organizations that make Cincinnati a great place to live.

“Holiday Tea at the Taft” by Kate Cassidy
Thank you to M. Hopple & Co. for including ArtsWave in this annual tradition. Thank you to all the artists who submitted their excellent work. Most of all, thank you for your support. Though it's still early November, it's never too early to say, "Happy Holidays!"