posted by Zach Moning ON
Jan 12, 2018

Current Poet Laureate Pauletta Hansel
Greater Cincinnati is renowned for its history of cultivating and nurturing a vibrant arts scene. To see evidence of that tradition, look no further than ArtsWave, the oldest and largest community arts campaign in the nation. Our region's arts stand out, drawing national and even worldwide attention.
It was with that in mind that the Cincinnati City Council and mayor's office created the position of Cincinnati Poet Laureate. In the winter of 2016, an advisory committee accepted applications from local poets and provided a recommendation to Mayor John Cranley, who appointed poet, memoirist, teacher and editor Pauletta Hansel as the first person to fill the role.
As Poet Laureate, Ms. Hansel composed and compiled poetry that spoke to the city (most recently, a poem she read at the swearing in ceremony for City Council) while working tirelessly to raise awareness and appreciation of the spoken word. Now, her two-year term is nearing its end, and the City of Cincinnati has convened a new advisory committee to find her successor. Mayor Cranley's office recently released a call for poets to apply.
The advisory committee will provide a recommendation based on several criteria, including public recognition, community engagement, vision for the role, accessibility and style. The Poet Laureate will serve an important role as an ambassador for the art of poetry in Cincinnati, promoting an appreciation of the art and composing poems that encapsulate the unique energy of the city at special occasions.
Find out more about how to apply for the Poet Laureate position on the City of Cincinnati's website.