posted by Alecia Kintner ON
Mar 09, 2018

Beer Choir Games, one of 12 ArtsWave Days
Taking a page from the inspired playbook of our partners at Kroger and 84.51˚, ArtsWave is thinking about the habits and preferences of Cincinnati arts customers. How might we engage MORE people, particularly regional employees and their families, in going and giving to the arts?
Every Saturday through April 21, the public is invited to ArtsWave Days, brought to you by Macy’s, held at different venues around the region. In a big way, this new event series builds on the 30-year Arts Sampler Weekend tradition. If one weekend was good, why not 12?
With tremendous support from Macy’s, and additional support from Dewey’s Pizza, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Frisch’s Big Boy and Enquirer, the series gives us a way to build momentum and reinforce participation throughout the 2018 ArtsWave Community Campaign. There is something for everyone over these three months: families and kids, young professionals, outdoor enthusiasts, sports fans, neighborhood residents, experience seekers, knowledge seekers, art-makers and art-watchers. The complete schedule is at
Likewise, ArtsWave Days give businesses a few key opportunities. First, the series offers a consistent direction to point employees for getting involved in the community. Whenever your workplace may conduct its ArtsWave Campaign, we’ve designed a Saturday to go with it. Most events are completely free.
Second, ArtsWave Days represent a great chance to volunteer in the arts. We need people to help with wayfinding, provide guest information and assist with activities and artists. Corporate teams are encouraged!
Third, ArtsWave Days might just score someone you know two tickets to the mega-hit musical, “Hamilton,” when it comes to the Aronoff! In our first-ever ArtsWave Days giveaway program, we are experimenting with a new vision for “ArtsWave Rewards” to create even greater excitement around Cincinnati’s vibrant arts scene.
Anyone can register and see complete contest rules by downloading the ArtsWave Guide app (available in the App and Google Play stores). Then, attend and check-in at ArtsWave Days to earn “Waves.” More Waves can be earned by sharing your experience in Facebook and Twitter. Even more Waves come from donating to ArtsWave at any time during the campaign! Waves count as chances to win the Cincy Arts Staycation prize package: Two tickets to Hamilton, dinner at Boca, an overnight stay at the 21C Museum Hotel, breakfast at Metropole and a $500 Macy’s shopping spree to get dressed for the occasion. Our thanks to all these businesses for donating the most phenomenal package we could imagine!
Now, it’s up to you: invite your employees to engage with ArtsWave in a new way. Be part of ArtsWave Days and sign up for ArtsWave Rewards. The more you Go, Share and Give, the more you connect to our community — and who knows, you might also land an awesome Cincy Arts Staycation!