posted by Kara Shibiya ON
Oct 19, 2018

ArtsWave is pleased to announce a new grantmaking program, ArtsWave Pride. The purpose of the ArtsWave Pride program is to promote, celebrate, and create inclusive arts experiences that may appeal to or have relevance to the broader LGBTQIA community.
ArtsWave Pride was launched in the 2018 Community Campaign and has more than 1,500 members, making it ArtsWave's fastest growing affinity group. Members of ArtsWave Pride unite around a common interest in the arts, making new connections, exploring new ideas and deepening their roots in the region. Gifts from ArtsWave Pride Ambassadors and 10% of incremental gifts from ArtsWave Pride members provided the initial seed funding to launch the grant program.
Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to projects that advance Cincinnati's reputation as a welcoming and inclusive community through the arts. Funding is available to support the development of new programming, as well as short-term operating support for existing programming with a demonstrated, inclusive impact.
Organizations with a primary mission to provide programs or activities in areas directly concerned with arts or cultural heritage for the public are encouraged to apply.
Applications are due back to ArtsWave by Friday, November 2.
The ArtsWave Pride guidelines and application form can be found here.