posted by Zach Moning ON
Sep 04, 2024

Do you remember how the arts impacted you as a student? Did you play an instrument? Learn to paint or sculpt? Visit a theater or museum on a field trip?
Whatever the genre or medium, chances are, you experienced the transformative power of the arts in school. National Arts in Education Week kicks off on September 9 to celebrate that power. The arts are essential to a well-rounded education, and thanks to donors like you, ArtsWave and its community partners are bringing the arts to students across the Cincinnati region through initiatives like the More Arts, More Kids program.
More Arts, More Kids launched in 2023 with a goal to bring first- to sixth-graders to the region's premier arts institutions every year. In its first year, the program has already made a significant impact:
• 2,500 third graders attended field trips to The Children's Theatre of Cincinnati.
• 2,500 fourth graders visited the Cincinnati Art Museum.
• 1,000 first graders experienced a Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra concert at Music Hall.
Next year, the program will expand to Northern Kentucky, starting in Ludlow Schools.
Feedback from teachers involved in More Arts, More Kids has been overwhelmingly positive:
• 100% of teachers reported that students practiced critical and creative thinking.
• 100% believed the program increased their students' appreciation for art.
A crucial component to arts education is for students to meet working artists. Through a partnership with the Carnegie and the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services (NKCES), ArtsWave recently co-hosted a professional development session to help teaching artists become more effective in classrooms.
Joe Bertucci, arts education manager for NKCES, and The Carnegie's education director, Alissa Paasch, talked through academic standards, how arts integration can bring other subjects to life, and universal strategies that give all students equitable opportunities to learn. National teaching artist Melanie Rick brought her expertise in developing daily unit and lessons plans, planning activities and working effectively with teachers and school culture.
ArtsWave donors support arts education opportunities like these for the Cincinnati region. Give today to help keep the region’s momentum going.