Sustaining Impact Grants
Sustaining Impact Grants provide unrestricted, general operating support in three-year cycles to arts organizations based on the goals of ArtsWave’s Blueprint for Collective Action. Sustaining Impact Grants are awarded in three-year cycles, with
amounts determined by the organization's budget size and related community impact.
Here are the organizations that currently receive Sustaining Impact Grants:
$1 million+ operating budget
The Carnegie
The Children's Theatre of Cincinnati
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Landmark Productions
Cincinnati May Festival
Cincinnati Opera
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Contemporary Arts Center
Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
Fitton Center for Creative Arts
Price Hill Will
Taft Museum of Art
$300,000 to $1 million operating budget
Behringer-Crawford Museum
Cincinnati Boychoir
Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra
Cincinnati Youth Choir
Clifton Cultural Arts Center
Kennedy Heights Arts Center
Kentucky Symphony Orchestra
Know Theatre of Cincinnati
Over-the-Rhine International Film Festival
Oxford Community Arts Center
Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum
Visionaries + Voices
Wave Pool
Wyoming Fine Arts Center
Less than $300,000 operating budget
American Legacy Theatre
Cincinnati Men's Chorus
Learning Through Art
Linton Chamber Music
A Mindful Moment/The Well
MUSE Cincinnati's Women's Choir
Mutual Dance Theatre and Arts Centers
My Nose Turns Red Youth Circus
Queen City Opera
Revolution Dance Theatre
Vocal Arts Ensemble
Young Professionals Choral Collective